viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

Is just... is just.

Always that I can, I took a photograph. This in particular like me so much but I don't know why if the miss in the pictures is a stranger thath only was walk in the highway a  cold day of winter. 

This day, I was  with my boyfriend in "El Toyo". It's a place that is in the "Cajón del Maipo", near of my house in Puente Alto.

I remeber that in the morning he went to my house because I was my birthday and says me " RUN NOW ! IS TOO LATE!" (he always hurry up me), and It's was my first time in this place and since then, I love it.

Ok, thisn't explain for what took this photograph but I just think that is a good picture, although my boyfriend even doesn't understand why I didn't take a photograph to him.

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